
Top 5 mistakes when choosing a computer or laptop

This article lists five common mistakes that buyers make when choosing computer equipment:

1. A brand new gaming computer with glowing coolers for 400-500 euros – I’ll take it!

The biggest mistake one can make is buying a computer from bulletin boards. Or in semi-basement shops, which, like mushrooms after rain, are now opening here and there. As a rule, these brand new computers cease to be brand new after you look under the “hood” of them. Such computers often have processors of not the latest generation, with video cards tortured by mining, and at best they have a new SDD drive on board. As a rule, such computers fail after a very short time. And then it is very difficult to prove anything to the seller, who immediately shifts all responsibility on our shoulders. Improper operation, etc., etc. The advice is very simple to avoid this situation – buy computer equipment in reputable stores, or at least do not be too lazy to check prices for similar devices in other stores. Remember those golden rules: free cheese in the mousetrap, but the greedy pays twice. Carefully study the components and their approximate prices. Pay attention to the generation and frequency of the installed Core-i5 or Core-i7 processor, as performance is very dependent on this.

The sales assistant is the head of everything! He will help – he will prompt!

Yes, vendors help us choose certain products or services. But do not forget that the sales consultant is interested in the fact that if we do not buy half of his assortment in the store, we will definitely buy the product at a higher price and make the store owner rich. The salary of the sales consultant or remuneration in the form of various bonuses and incentives depends on this. For example, I very often met incompetent sales assistants and you should not rely on their opinion as the opinion of a super expert. A sales consultant can tell us where to find this or that product, can tell us prices and discounts, but when choosing equipment for our computer or future laptop, we must choose ourselves and preferably in advance.

The more powerful, the better!

Sometimes, thank God, rarely, but I have come across such a phenomenon when some clients, consulting with me which computer is better to buy, believe that the more powerful the computer they take, the better and partially they are right, but when buying a computer with an NVIDIA video card from 30 series and a Core-i7 11700kf processor with 32 gigabytes of RAM at 3800 MHz, even now, when the prices of video cards have skyrocketed and hid somewhere behind the clouds to read on such mail, use the Internet and just watch videos on YouTube – not quite adequate. Such people are guided by the rule – my neighbor took a powerful computer, and then I will take myself an even more powerful one! Or they belong to the type of people who want all the most powerful things. A car to be like a moon rover, a computer to be like a tornado. When choosing a computer or laptop, you need to be guided by common sense, the purpose of buying it and how it will be used in the future. Given the progress, you can take the technique a little more powerful, so that with a margin for the future, but within reasonable limits.

4. A little used used laptop or used computer – but cheap and cheerful!

Little used, used laptop?! But how can this be understood at all? Lying for 10 years as a decoration? Where did it all come from? This reminds me of the same used cars that were imported in batches from Lithuania in the 90s and sold like pies in our car market. The so-called little used cars, from under the grandfather or from under the grandmother. Which almost did not go and all the time stood in cozy Bavarian garages, covered with warm blankets and rugs. Don’t rely on this technique. Used and have used. Little used or much used – no one will ever check that. And, as a rule, the sellers themselves are not confident in such a technique, so the maximum that a seller can give is a six-month warranty. Paying 200-300 euros for a laptop that will go to the holy transistor tomorrow is such an event. Again, in most cases, if such a laptop fails, the seller will at best issue a similar device for replacement, at worst – poor operation, we are again to blame, etc. and so on. When buying such devices, you should take into account all these nuances and be prepared for the fact that such equipment may no longer turn on for you at any time.

5. I’ll take AppleBook or AppleMac – they are the best!

Of course, there are computer companies that produce very stylish and somewhat reliable devices. But I wouldn’t single them out as the best. There are many pitfalls in such devices. When purchasing such a computer or laptop, it should be borne in mind that not all software will work on it. That you will have to switch to similar programs that are certainly available. I will say more, there is also its own original software, which in some areas is even better than its competitors. However, when you buy such a device, you also have problems updating the same software, in case of a breakdown – repairing such a device is much more expensive, and not everywhere you can get it. And most importantly, in my opinion, the artificially high price of such equipment. Analogues of other companies are much cheaper. But if you are an aesthete, then this technique is for you. However, this does not mean that these are the best computers or laptops on the computer market.

Before choosing components for your future computer or deciding on a future laptop model, you need to clearly understand the goals and objectives for which you really need this or that device.

We help clients navigate the choice of components or choosing the right laptop model so that the client can get exactly the computer he needs without overpaying. Contact us and we will be happy to help you!

© Arvutiabi – Esoft

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