
The story of a complicated laptop repair: How the patience of the client and the professionalism of the craftsmen saved the situation

Not so long ago we were approached to our computer workshop ARVUTIABI-ESOFT OÜ by a client with a request to clean an expensive gaming laptop, which, according to him, he had recently bought for 1500 euros.  The laptop started to malfunction and the client thought that it was due to overheating. We did a cleaning 🧼 but it didn’t solve the problem. A video report of the work done and the condition of the laptop was sent to the client, information was provided that the laptop had been manipulated previously and that the thermal interface had been applied incorrectly and poorly. The customer decided to keep the laptop for further diagnostics.

Beginning of diagnostics

While diagnosing the laptop we found traces of a quick ‘repair’ and a warmed up video chip. The laptop was new and quite powerful 💻 which made us assume that the previous owner decided to replace the thermal interface himself, hoping to improve performance in games. Incorrect application of the thermal interface was most likely the reason for the video chip failure.

Problem Solution

We informed the customer of our findings and he agreed to look for a new video chip. However, our technician found several other serious malfunctions caused by the video chip failure and sloppy repair by the previous handyman or owner. The decision was made to look for a new motherboard, as the cost of a computer repair with video chip replacement and other fixes was almost equal to the cost of a new board.

Searching for a motherboard and first repair

We managed to find only one motherboard in China. Three weeks later, when the board arrived, we installed it, tested the laptop and gave it to the customer. The customer was happy and informed us a few days later that everything was working perfectly 👍.

Return of the problem and final solution

About a month later, the customer came to us again, reporting new problems with the laptop when playing heavy games 🎮. We took the laptop for warranty check and thorough laptop diagnostics. It turned out that the Chinese motherboard was of poor quality. We decided to make one working motherboard out of two, using parts from the old and the new.

Important conflict resolution with a supplier

We contacted the vendor from China, explained the situation, and he got in touch with our situation. The vendor apologised and refunded us 30% of the motherboard price, which was very important in this situation.

Thank you to our client

I would like to acknowledge the calmness and patience of our client. All the time he was sympathetic to the situation and even encouraged us 😊. This behaviour inspired us to work to the best of our ability, often staying late after working hours.


In the end, we managed to fully restore the laptop, conducting thorough tests under maximum loads. The client was satisfied with the result. The repair price was very reasonable and economically justified. The reapplication was under warranty, so the client was not charged additional money. The whole story took about a month and a half (not including the time when the client was using the laptop).

This story shows how important is patience and understanding of the client, as well as professionalism of craftsmen who are ready to do their best to solve difficult problems.

The conclusion

When buying used computer equipment, be it a computer or a gaming laptop, be vigilant and ask the seller to have the device independently checked by a computer workshop (https://arvutiabi-esoft.ee/en/homepage/). If the seller is honest, he will take your wish with understanding and will not interfere with this check.

In our company ARVUTIABI-ESOFT OÜ such an inspection will cost you 20-30 euros.

Be vigilant and do not hesitate to ask sellers about such a check to avoid a similar story as with our honoured customer.

Take care of yourselves, your loved ones, and of course your equipment! 💻🛠️ Your computer workshop ARVUTIABI-ESOFT OÜ

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